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Chaos and Calm


The morning was foggy, the air damp and chill. I set off to the woods seeking some calm in the chaos of life.

The fog eased and smoothed the usual chaotic scene. The ghostly shapes of the branches added a sense of calm. I found a place to pause and think about those two concepts 'chaos' and 'calm' and how to find images in the woodland that represent them for me.

Calm is


gentle and easy


thoughtful and still


Chaos is


frenetic and frenzied


swirling and scary

stealing time.......

There were times in my life that I thrived on chaos, leading a very busy life, full of demanding and unpredictable days. It was like being on a roller-coaster while keeping several spinning plates in the air. Now when I am in a wild and chaotic place I feel that surge of energy, but also the scare when I am not sure what is going to happen next. Hard to find a pathway through, the way blocked by fallen trees, obstacles to overcome. Unexpected adventures to pursue:

But how about now that I am heading to the still backwaters of my life and starting to become anxious about my capabilities? I realise I am tending to seek out places of calm, spaces of peace within the day. I pause, content to just be, safe and grounded. I spot some catkins, the first sign of Spring and enjoy the gentle rustle of the bronze beech leaves.

I feel like I am hanging on to past excitements, like the last autumn leaf in the January storms, or the branch being battered by the torrent of the river. My roots are firm, I just have to learn to lean in.

There is inner turmoil and outer calm some days and inner peace within the outer confusion at other times. I guess I need a balance of both to maintain my equilibrium in this increasingly uncertain world. Be the host to those who rely on me, reach out with kindness when I can, and contribute to my community.

Still so much more to learn: In this article on Woodland Photography Alan Ranger discusses the effect of fog in woodland photography, and in this video, 'A Frozen Mist Settles'   Charlotte Bellamy provides the perfect illustration. Sit back and enjoy!

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